Zimmer Biomet Patient Access Solutions
A quick and easy online portal specific to specific to AmnioRepair® Allograft, Gel-One® Cross-Linked Hyaluronate, or VISCO-3™ Sodium Hyaluronate for customers to submit prescriptions and/or request insurance verification. The Patient Access Solutions team provides insurance benefit investigations, patient referral status and prior authorization support. Buy & Bill or Specialty Pharmacy customers can view status of request in real time.
The Patient Access Solution team also provides insurance benefit investigations and prior authorization support for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring with mymobility® and Persona IQ® The Smart Knee®.
This unique program reduces the valuable time your office staff spends getting patients’ access to AmnioRepair Allograft, Gel-One, or VISCO-3. Log onto www.zbpatientaccesssolutions.com today!
Insurance Verification
Patient Access Solutions Portal and Online Enrollment Form
Gel-One and VISCO-3 Enrollment Form (fax)
AmnioRepair Allograft Enrollment Form (Fax)
Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) with Persona IQ Enrollment Form
Insurance Benefit Verification and Prior Authorization Checklist
Insurance Verification – If you have not received a response from
Zimmer Biomet within 48 hours please contact Patient Access Solutions
at 855-200-2760.
The Appario Program
A program for patients that do not have insurance coverage for Zimmer Biomet's Hyaluronic Acid injections (Gel-One or VISCO-3).
AmnioRepair Allograft Coding Guide
Gel-One Hyaluronate Coding Guide
VISCO-3 Coding Guide
Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Coding Reference Guide
Persona IQ® The Smart Knee Coding Reference Guide
Gel-One® and VISCO-3™ are a trademark of Seikagaku Corporation.
This website and the material contained herein are intended for informational purposes only. Nothing herein is advice, legal advice or a recommendation of any kind, and it should not be considered as such. The content of this website was obtained from the third-party sources cited within and is subject to change without notice, resulting from changes in reimbursement laws, regulations, rules and policies. All content is informational only, general in nature, and does not cover all situations or all payers' rules or policies. The content is not intended to apply to any particular situation. In all cases, the service and the product must be reasonable and necessary for the care of the patient to support reimbursement. Providers should report the procedure and related codes that most accurately describe the patients' medical condition, procedures performed and the products used. The information on this website represents no promise or guarantee by Zimmer Biomet regarding coverage or payment for products or procedures by Medicare or other payers. This website may not be used as an official source of information. Providers should check Medicare bulletins, manuals, program memoranda, Medicare guidelines and other payer information to ensure compliance with Medicare and other payer requirements. Inquiries may be directed to the Part A/B Medicare Administrative Contractor, or to appropriate payers. Zimmer Biomet specifically disclaims liability or responsibility for the results or consequences of any actions taken in reliance on information in this website.
All content herein is protected by copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights, as applicable, owned by or licensed to Zimmer Biomet or its affiliates unless otherwise indicated, and must not be redistributed, duplicated or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of Zimmer Biomet.
This material is intended for health care professionals.
For product information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, potential adverse effects and patient counseling information, see the package insert and information on this website. To obtain a copy of the current Instructions for Use (IFU) for full prescribing and risk information, please call 1-800-348-2759, press 4 for 411 Technical Support.