Offering an Early Treatment Option for Your Patients

The Subchondroplasty Procedure (SCP) is a minimally-invasive, fluoroscopically-assisted intervention that targets and fills subchondral bone defects, often called Bone Marrow Lesions (BML) with AccuFill® Bone Substitute Material. 

AccuFill BSM is an engineered calcium phosphate mineral compound, a bone graft substitute, that mimics the properties of cancellous bone, resorbs and is replaced with new bone during the healing process.1,2

The SCP Procedure is usually performed along with arthroscopy for visualization and treatment of findings inside the joint. In some cases, an open or mini-open procedure is necessary for access to the defect.


  • Early Intervention


  • Knee, Foot & Ankle, Hip, Shoulder

Peer-reviewed data demonstrate sustained pain reduction, improved function and quality of life after the SCP Procedure.3,4

The minimally-invasive SCP procedure is usually performed along with arthroscopy for visualization and treatment of findings inside the joint. In some cases, an open or mini-open procedure is necessary for access to the defect.

Bone defects are filled with AccuFill Bone Substitute Material (BSM), a proprietary, flowable, biomimetic bone substitute.1,2

AccuFill BSM is available in prefilled (PF) mixing and saline syringes. The prefilled kit includes all components to hydrate and mix AccuFill BSM in a closed mixing system. 

*The grain size of the hydroxyapatite (HA) crystals that form as part of the amorphous and crystalline mixture of calcium phosphate sets are on the nanometer scale. The size of the crystalline structures were measured by X-ray diffraction to be less than 100 nanometers. 




  • Treats chronic, symptomatic, subchondral bone defects which are the primary cause of joint pain, not the intra-articular tissue.5,6


  • Proprietary minimally-invasive, joint preserving injection of AccuFill BSM which is replaced with new bone during the healing process.1,2
  • Usually performed along with arthroscopy to aid in visualization, the SCP procedure does not inhibit the treatment of other findings inside the joint when performed along with arthroscopy.
  • Typically, an outpatient procedure enabling patients to generally return home the same day.


  • AccuFill BSM sets hard and remodels into new bone during the healing process.1,2
  • Peer-reviewed data demonstrate sustained pain reduction, improved function and quality of life.3,4
  • SCP Procedure does not preclude future procedures. Should it become necessary, future surgery is still an option. 


Subchondroplasty (SCP) Procedure – AccuFill Bone Substitute Material (BSM) Animation

Watch Animation (4 Min)

Subchondroplasty Procedure Hip: Addressing Femoral Head Defect featuring MD W. K. Vasileff

Watch Surgeon Webcast (4 Min)

Subchondroplasty Procedure (SCP) Knee featuring MD Chris Baker

Watch Surgeon Webcast (10 Min)

Subchondroplasty Procedure Freehand Surgical Technique Animation

Watch Surgeon Webcast 

Subchondroplasty (SCP) Procedure Shoulder featuring MD Chris Baker

Watch Surgeon Webcast (7 Min)

AccuFill PF BSM Mixing Technique

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*Verify AccuFill BSM indications available for your country/region.