English (United States)

Report a Concern

Report a Concern

If you become aware of a situation that may be a potential violation of our company’s policies, procedures and internal controls or any applicable law, be the voice of integrity and speak up. All concerns are confidential, or anonymous, if you choose.

Check Status

Check Status

You can follow up on your report using the access number and password you created when the question or report was submitted.

Call Us

If you would prefer to speak to someone confidentially, call us and one of our representatives would be happy to assist you.

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If you are dialing internationally choose your location from the list below for the international number assigned to your country. If your country is not listed click here for additional instructions.

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Please note this is not an emergency service. Contact your local authorities if this is a life threatening issue.

Text to Speak Up

If you are located in North America, you can also choose to text your concern anonymously to the number below.


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Our Commitment

Zimmer Biomet is committed to creating and sustaining an environment of trust and openness. We encourage and empower our team members, business partners, customers and members of the public to speak up when they become aware of behavior that may be in violation of our company’s policies, applicable laws, or industry practices. All concerns are taken seriously and promptly investigated. Anyone who raises a concern in good faith is supported, as retaliation of any form is a violation to our Code of Conduct and not tolerated.

The Zimmer Biomet Speak Up Hotline, administered by Convercent, offers three options to report concerns 24-hours a day, seven days a week. All reports will be kept confidential to the extent possible; and if permitted by local law, may be made anonymously. 

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